4235 Monterey Road
Los Angeles, CA 90032



The goals for Debs Park provide the foundation for the proposed recommendations and policies that will direct future development of the Park. Each goal was developed to provide a strong foundation to base land use decisions. The goals encompass a range of potential activities, from creating wetland habitat where a sterile reservoir now exists, to increasing recreational opportunities. Thoughtful implementation of future activities will ensure compatibility between protecting and enhancing the natural open space with maintaining an active recreational space for the maximum enjoyment and safety of all residents and visitors.

Goal One: Manage a significant portion of Debs Park to give park visitors an urban wilderness experience by preserving, enhancing, and restoring natural communities, such as walnut woodland, coastal sage scrub, and grasslands.

Goal Two: Create a safe and harmonious environment for all park visitors.

Goal Three: Establish the Los Angeles Nature Center under the stewardship of the National Audubon Society within Debs Park to provide a positive, ongoing presence, and to teach people about the natural world so they will enjoy, appreciate, and care for it.

Goal Four: Transform the existing reservoir pond into viable aquatic and wildlife habitat.

Goal Five: Provide for the educational and recreational needs of the community while protecting wildlife habitat by encouraging appropriate activities in developed and undeveloped areas of the park.

Goal Six: Foster positive recreational opportunities that will discourage and eliminate destructive park activities, and that will promote accord amongst park visitors.

Goal Seven: Encourage, expand, and actively seek community involvement in the development and implementation of park programs to promote community ties, personal ownership, and steward-ship.

Goal Eight: Establish a long-term land management plan (including both habitat management and maintenance plans) with appropriate strategies and maintenance procedures for developed and undeveloped areas of the park.

Goal Nine: Establish park "gateways" to permit safe and easy park access for the surrounding communities.

Goal Ten: Establish a Debs Park Advisory Board composed of representatives from the public, the Audubon Society, and the City to monitor, review, and approve projects and to implement the Park Framework Plan.

continue to "VISION FOR DEBS PARK"